
#1. Congratulations to Kelly & Winnie, SLs 1011!#2. Thank you Section Zero for your wonderful gift during Step-down! #3. Leave a tag! #4. Section Zero, all the best for EOYs! #5. Best of luck to our Sec 4s for their O's and for the JC2s taking A's!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sickly Thursday night

Hi Section Zero,
Rachel is sick! Good right, no one to harp on your punctuality issues! Ha ha, nah, kidding. Just wanted to thank all of you for being great members. I really appreciate you guys taking ownership for the Section/ Council by maintaining excellent attire standards ;)

Xiexie to the Sec Threes too, for being so committed to Section Zero. They've been coming back everyday to help out. Noise pollution aside, it's been good to have them around. Hopefully the Sec twos will have such an attachment to Section Zero as well :)

Third point, I know people keep complaining about the 7-7:15am song. Recently, more and more teachers and even neighbours have been calling the G.O to complain. Me and Deb's batch never faced such problems in our time! Right, Yijie? Anyhow, I may get Mr Chua or someone to check the system out soon, and throw the spoilt microphones out!

I'd also like to encourage all of you. Don't be upset by the above mentioned people. It is frustrating that they expect us to fit the music volume/speaker selection to their whims and fancies, I understand. They always use an unpleasant tone, ordering us around, I am annoyed too. But let us remember that we are student leaders serving the school. Therefore we will serve, and we will still treat any disrespectful person with respect.

Lastly, SECTION OUTING after Myes.
Please suggest places to go!!! So far some people have suggested Picnicking@Marina Barrage. I know most of you feel that it doesn't really matter where we go right... Cause there's me and that's enough. Ha ha kiddin ;)

Ok...It's the exam period now, and I know some of you may be feeling stressed. If you are the kind who is susceptible to flu, cough, fever, germs...whatever, please take care. Don't burn the midnight oil thinking red bull can refuel you. Don't be like me!

For any of my Christian members, remember Isaiah 40:31 and Philippians 4:6-7!
Press on!

your 38.5C hot S.L,