
#1. Congratulations to Kelly & Winnie, SLs 1011!#2. Thank you Section Zero for your wonderful gift during Step-down! #3. Leave a tag! #4. Section Zero, all the best for EOYs! #5. Best of luck to our Sec 4s for their O's and for the JC2s taking A's!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

In which your new SLs are very, very up to date with the blog.

The title is not a lie. :D

Okay s0 I know everyone is very busy (and if you are not you should be) so I'm just going to make a brief post in case anyone
ahem Likai and Darren ahem lose their duty lists again.

Yep. We've changed the style slightly to accomodate the top three, so. In the even weeks, the numbers next to the pledge correspond to the week you are supposed to come in. Taking tuesday as an example,

for weeks 2, 6 and 10: Kai Yi
for weeks 4 and 8: Ying Jie

and so on so forth. (:

Note: I know some of the days clash with your PE ones, but there are days which too many of you have PE (eg: odd thurs) so you'll have to bring your uniform for those days. Sorry for the inconvienice!

This concludes my very long post (again, not a lie). End of years are coming. s0, jiayou! I have faith that everyone'll do well. (:

With love,