
#1. Congratulations to Kelly & Winnie, SLs 1011!#2. Thank you Section Zero for your wonderful gift during Step-down! #3. Leave a tag! #4. Section Zero, all the best for EOYs! #5. Best of luck to our Sec 4s for their O's and for the JC2s taking A's!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Hey!!!!!!! Here to update this really rotting blog :-)
Okay anyway this is my post, the 22nd one so therefore the title (look up) hahaha.

2010 is ending!!! But before it does, 3 cheers to everyone and our awesome section! Thank all you guys for keeping up with standard of duty, projecting our good image to the board, and keeping the enthusiasm going! :)

Anyway, 2011 will come very, very soon. And although some of you may be anxious about this, yes, the sec one juniors are coming in. hahaha be eggcited yo!

Just so we can almost maintain perfection, (LOL) please take note of the following points that me and kelly have observed during the last few months of duty:

1. The first person to reach the GO every morning, please help to bring down walkie talkie, mic, and put up the flags if you can. Have the initiative!!! If you've been doing so all along, good :)

2.While you're doing the above so, please try not to dilly dally and take your time. We're not asking you guys to finish everything like the end of the world's coming, but at least be prompt hehehe.

3. In any case when you forget you have duty and wear PE attire to school instead, it is your responsibility to find a sub. Find a sub before you tell us. Your SLs shouldn't be doing this for you! Try to keep up :-) Hahaha.

4. Tell us before going for section meeting! Don't dump your bags at the GO and go off hahaha cos we'll be fretting about whatever happened to your disappearance.

5. Take note of important timings like 720, 727 so on and so forth. For the last few months during duty you guys have repeatedly been late in going up or playing the william tell and only realise when your SLs remind you. Where's your sense of urgency?

6. Please do not forget to do mike test (though not necessary if mr chua does it instead) before the start of the william tell. And don't forget to bring up the announcement book!

7. Stop forgetting your badges, dear boys and girls. Try to borrow from your friend if you really do, we can't provide you with any :/

Overall, please have a greater sense of alertness, responsibility, initiative and attentivenes. Be prompt, punctual, and attire must be up to standard at all times. (You guys have been doing a g ood job at this, so keep it up! :-) )

Hahaha these pointers are just reminders so that our standard of duty won't drop any further. It doesnt sound nice to say this but honestly, but kelly and i both feel the standard has been falling, and we gotta bring it back up again. Perhaps its partly our fault too cos we havent really been strict with you guys and all, but we need your help to make an awesome section!!!! And you guys dont even really have to try to hard because you people already are awesome, but at least make the effort to change. :D

Enjoy your holidays! :D

Sunday, September 19, 2010

In which your new SLs are very, very up to date with the blog.

The title is not a lie. :D

Okay s0 I know everyone is very busy (and if you are not you should be) so I'm just going to make a brief post in case anyone
ahem Likai and Darren ahem lose their duty lists again.

Yep. We've changed the style slightly to accomodate the top three, so. In the even weeks, the numbers next to the pledge correspond to the week you are supposed to come in. Taking tuesday as an example,

for weeks 2, 6 and 10: Kai Yi
for weeks 4 and 8: Ying Jie

and so on so forth. (:

Note: I know some of the days clash with your PE ones, but there are days which too many of you have PE (eg: odd thurs) so you'll have to bring your uniform for those days. Sorry for the inconvienice!

This concludes my very long post (again, not a lie). End of years are coming. s0, jiayou! I have faith that everyone'll do well. (:

With love,