
#1. Congratulations to Kelly & Winnie, SLs 1011!#2. Thank you Section Zero for your wonderful gift during Step-down! #3. Leave a tag! #4. Section Zero, all the best for EOYs! #5. Best of luck to our Sec 4s for their O's and for the JC2s taking A's!

Monday, January 25, 2010


Hi there,
hope everyone has had an okay Monday! Shoo the Monday blues away! This week will be a good one, hopefully.......... Please be punctual for duties and refer to your dutylists diligently everyday as I will no longer text you guys every night.

Section 0 needs qc!!!!!! Quality control.
I want you guys to take note of how the PA system is supposed to be operated.
Some things to note:
1. Turn off horn speakers before playing music. Currently cny music!
2. Switch on all call for William tell & pledge taking (Mondays and fridays)
3. Don't gather in the G.o except for pledge/pa. That moody lady gets mad when we sit in her chair, even before she arrives. It's not even hers!!!!! Like seriously. She's beyond reason but (haha why am I ranting) let's be good kids aye!